Friday 21 October 2011


hukhuk :( urghh, tired, still tired and always tired!
derrrh, i always hear this word 'MERDEKA' go away from student's mouth this nowadays after their finished answering their paper.. maybe at my sch too, but i didn't do that.. because i feel like there are many things that we all gonna do.. and all that in my mind are absolutely TRUE!. haha, after finished upsr, seriously i said, we can landing but still making!
:D + :( = tired & wateeeffaaakkk
we are given more project that we must done in the duration given. examples; scrap book (sivik, eng&so on), be a seller for one day, gardening, best chef competition, save yassiin in my mind, practice for khatam al-quran soon, presentation choral speaking in arabian & so on!.. :O goshh, can i do all this things? can i do it perfectly?? people: you can do it, if you work hard: wtf? wap..: pity of you: me too!
how can it be so hard :(
yassiin.. only 2 days left and i only can catch up for 12 sentences! (i know i can do it, but i am too busy and don't have much time to do this thing! plus, last week is examination week!) wekk!!! uhh, i'm gonna die... sick of this! where are you sch holidays?? amishushomash!!! come here faster so i can get enough rest after working hard for one year!.. :( helpme..
saya tahu saya budak sekolah lagi jadi saya tak patut mengeluh macam ini kan? tapi nak buat macam mana, ini blog saya=diari saya.. so, saya terpaksa luahkan segalanya kat sini. so, sabar jelaa, anggap ini dugaan sebelum cuti. :) sebab saya memang penat. dua-dua sekolah nak kena layan. asal tak penatlaa.. pagi-pagi bangun awal, bersiap kena pergi sekolah. pergi pukul 6, balik pukul 1. dah balik tuu, terus bersiap kena pergi sekolah lagi.. agama pulakk.. pergi pukul 2 balik pukul 6.. lepas dah balik siap-siap then buat kerja sekolah. rehatku hanyalah tidur diwaktu malam (memang itu yang sepatutnya) tapi sejujurnya rasa macam nak berhenti sekolah pun ada. dah habes pereksa semua, bukannya belajar lagipun. kan?? buang masa, datang sekolah duduk atas kerusi buat kerja sendiri. baik aku duk rumah je kalau camtu. sekurang-kurangnya boleh tengok tv. kekadang kakak aku pun hasut aku jugak takyah pergi sekolah.. kekadang termakan, kekadang tak. :P siut je.. tapi, sejak akhir-akhir ni aku dah jarang pergi sekolah petang. ustazah tak marah, tapi kengkawan aku yang marah. haha, tak kisah.. dorang memang ambil berat pasal aku. :D tapi, kekadang bengang gak sebab dorang lebih-lebih. ustazah okay je. ;)
#dhlaa tu, aku daah cukup penat nak menaip, bye everyone, see you in the next entry!!#

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